Written Fireside: “Be Mine, Marshal,” Part 8

This is Part Eight of a nine-part round robin western historical romance set in the fictional town of Cold Spring, Idaho, 1871. To read parts One through Seven, visit:

Part One
Lori Connelly
Part Two
Paty Jager
Part Three
Julie Lence
Part Four
Susan Horsnell
Part Five
Aileen Harkwood
Part Six
AJ Nuest
Part Seven – Mandy Baggot


Uneven footsteps shuffled across the street behind Daniel, scuffing up puffs of dust when they stopped at his right side. “Give the child to me, Marshal.” The voice, pitched low and even, carried a request, not a demand. “I won’t hurt her. I swear.” Daniel canted his gaze toward the claw-thin hands reaching for Marigold. Sadness muddled with guilt stared back from Virgil’s eyes. “She’s my flesh and blood.”

At Daniel’s other shoulder, Fannie gasped. The shotgun never wavered. “Your—”

“Annabelle was my sister.” Virgil lifted the whimpering girl from Daniel’s arms with a tenderness he’d seldom seen…and never from a derelict.

Anderson’s grating rumble kicked up more dust. “Gimme the girl and get on outta here, you old gimp. You ain’t been worth spit since the war crippled your leg and half your mind.”

Virgil stiffened and returned the viper’s glare. “I thought the kids would be better off with anybody but me. I was wrong.” Hugging Marigold tight to his chest, he turned a sharp, clear gaze on Fannie. “Sorry about your barn, ma’am.” His voice wound down to a worn-out whisper. “I got it into my head General Custer…”

Daniel locked Anderson’s glower at the same instant he snagged Virgil’s elbow. Fingertips met thumb around an arm frail enough to snap in a firm grip. “Do as the man said. Take Will with you. Help Doc see to the girl.”

A threat shot from Anderson’s lips with the force of a bullet. “Move one inch, and it’ll be the last movement you make.”

“And yours, Montgomery.” Fannie adjusted the shotgun against her shoulder.

Taking control of his breath, if not his galloping pulse, Daniel eased a hand toward the Colt on his hip.

Anderson snorted. “You ain’t about to shoot me, teacher.” The muzzle of his Remington took aim at Virgil while he tossed a command at Will. “Boy, don’t make me tell you twice. Get your sister and plant both of your asses over here by me.”

Trembling and pale, Will nonetheless stepped between Anderson and his mark and dug his heels into the dust. Virgil oozed backward.

Anderson flicked the revolver’s muzzle skyward, and then dead-centered a bead on Will. The boy raised his chin and held his ground.

Fannie shifted; steadied the gun. Virgil’s limping, backward slide quickened. Daniel’s fingertips slipped onto the cool surface of a walnut pistol grip.

“You ungrateful little polecat.” The words hissed between Anderson’s bared teeth. “I done right by you kids, but you ain’t never been no good. Just like your ma.”

As hard as he shook, the boy’s innards had to be rattling. He didn’t back down, though. “Did you beat her, too?”

“Lester’s the only one of you heathens got a lick of sense. Must've got that from me. Sure as hell didn’t get it from your faithless whore of a mother.”

Will launched himself at Anderson’s sneer. “Take that back.”

Daniel yanked his hand from his Colt and caught the boy by the collar. Jerking and twisting at the end of Daniel’s reach, Will nearly ripped the thin fabric from his grasp. The boy had sand to spare.

And he was about to get himself killed.

Rapid, limping thuds and delicate taps hit the boardwalk and disappeared behind a slamming door. Daniel hauled Will against him and clamped an arm around the boy’s waist, widening his stance to shore up his balance.

Will’s heart thumped hard enough to pound a hole through Daniel’s chest, but the youngster continued to squirm. “He’s a goldurn liar. My mama wasn’t no whore. He’s a thief, though…or would be if he had the guts.”

Anderson took a half step forward on a snarl. “Shut your mouth, boy.”

Fannie tracked Anderson with the shotgun. She shot Daniel a tense glance.

Will froze. Stiff as a fencepost, flush against Daniel’s chest with his feet dangling six inches above the ground, the kid pinned Anderson with a poisonous glare. “Said if we didn’t bring back something worthwhile this time, Marigold could pay him and his friends another way.” He jammed a hand into a pants pocket. When he opened his fist, sunlight glittered on multicolored stones set in gold. “I took it. I didn’t have no choice.”

“I said shut your mouth.” Anderson’s finger tightened on the trigger.

Daniel twisted toward Fannie, shoving his shoulder between Will and a rabid wolf. Her blue eyes fixed his for a fractional second before lancing back to her target.

Anderson slithered forward another step. “Think that’ll protect that city fop’s leavin’s, Marshal?” A cold chuckle wound through the words. “Think again. I can take you both with one shot.”

“And you’ll go with them.” Fannie’s tone bore an even deeper chill, made all the more wintry by a deadly calm.

“It’ll be worth it.” Anderson sucked a breath, lips twisting as his empty hand scratched the worn flannel covering his chest. “Only thing I wanted when I got outta that hellhole was mine by rights.” His eyes narrowed into black slits. “They got their comeuppance. Made damn sure Mr. Fancypants got a lesson in how a real man loves his woman.” He thumbed back the Remington’s hammer.

Daniel shot Fannie a sidelong glance. She gave a quick nod.

Hand already in motion, he dropped the kid.


“Be Mine, Marshal” concludes March 31 with Kari Lemor’s Part Nine. Y’all stay tuned!

Travel by Horse

Horses are a staple of western fiction. When writing or reading about them, it’s helpful to understand common terms about the way they move. Whether or not an experienced horseman can see the animal, he or she can tell how fast the critter is moving by the distinctive sound of hooves striking the earth.



A walk is a four-beat gait, meaning three hooves remain on the ground while the fourth moves. The walk is a very comfortable gait for riders. It’s smooth, producing only a slight swaying motion. At a walk, riders have no trouble keeping their butts in the saddle.

Horses can walk all day, even under saddle, but they don’t move very far very fast. The average horse will cover three to four miles an hour at a walk; some move as slowly as two miles per hour.

Trot and jog

Technically, a jog is slower than a trot, but practically—at least in western riding—both gaits are referred to as jogging. Jogging is a two-beat gait in which diagonal pairs of legs move together: left rear with right front; right rear with left front.

Trotting primarily is associated with horse shows (during which judges want to see that a horse can move at variety of speeds on command) and harness racing. Racing trotters often cover as much ground as quickly as other horses gallop. Some harness races require horses to pace, in which the legs on each side move together while the legs on the other remain on the ground.

The jog is a horse’s natural working gait. If left to his own devices (and not escaping a threat), a horse will move at a jog when he wants to cover distance quickly. Horses can jog for a long time without tiring, but many riders can’t take the pace. With a few notable exceptions, a jog can be extremely jarring and puts enormous strain on the muscles in a rider’s legs, back, and abdomen. Working cowboys who spend a good deal of time in the saddle may move their horses at a jog, but pleasure riders generally try to avoid the gait if they value their butts, which slap the saddle with each step until the rider learns to “move with the horse.”

At a jog, horses cover an average of about eight miles an hour. So-called “gaited horses” like the Tennessee Walking Horse and the American Saddlebred don’t jog or trot. Instead, their natural middle gait, a “running walk,” can cover as many as fifteen miles in an hour. Because all four hooves move independently, a running walk is a comfortable gait for riders. Both breeds are primarily pleasure, not working, horses.


Lope or canter

Lope and canter are essentially the same gait, a three-beat movement in which three hooves are off the ground while a rear leg supports the horse’s weight. At a lope, horses can cover about ten to fifteen miles in an hour; some can reach speeds of up to twenty-seven miles per hour.

Note: Horses under western saddle lope. Canter is an English-riding term, possibly derived from Canterbury.


The gallop, a four-beat gait, is the horsey equivalent of run and averages about thirty miles per hour. Horses bred for speed, like Thoroughbreds and racing Quarter Horses, can gallop as fast as fifty miles per hour.

In the wild, horses gallop in order to escape a threat. Most horses can gallop for only a mile or two without risking serious injury or death. (Yes, some horses will run themselves to death at the urging of a rider.)

How far can a horse travel?

How far a horse can travel in a day depends on the horse’s condition, the availability of food and water, and the terrain he is asked to cover. At a combination of lope and walk, a young horse in optimal condition can travel fifty to sixty miles a day in good weather over flat terrain, as long as he is allowed to drink and graze every couple of hours. The faster a horse moves, the more often he will need to rest, eat, and drink.

Though it may seem counter-intuitive, the longer a horse moves fast, the shorter the distance it can cover in a day. Pony Express riders galloped about 10 miles (or about half an hour) before changing horses and usually covered 60-70 miles a day, but that was an exceptionally grueling pace for the rider. A good average pace is about 40 miles per day, which is the speed the U.S. Cavalry aimed for during the nineteenth century. Over uneven terrain or in bad weather, a horse and rider would do well to cover twenty miles per day. In the mountains, ten miles per day would be a good pace.

Many cowboys carried grain—usually corn or oats—in order to get more out of their horses. Grain provides increased carbohydrate-based energy. Sweet feed, which contains molasses, was not as common unless a horse was stabled. Horses love sweet feed, but it’s not good for them except as a treat.

Remember, too, that most working cowboys preferred—and still prefer—to ride geldings over mares or stallions. As a rule, geldings are much more tractable than either stallions (which can be a handful at best and a nightmare if a mare anywhere in the vicinity is in season) or mares (who naturally establish a pecking order within a herd and can be cranky). In the wild, a mare runs the herd; stallions are tolerated only for breeding and protection.

Four Authors, Four Stories, Four Challenges

Regardless how easy some authors make fiction-writing look, all of us struggle with something in every story.

Take “Making Peace,” my contribution to the Prairie Rose Publications anthology Cowboy Cravings, for example. The hero, Bennett Collier, is the elder brother of Amon Collier, the hero from “The Big Uneasy” in Lassoing a Mail-Order Bride. The brothers’ relationship composed a significant subplot in “The Big Uneasy,” and “Making Peace” puts a period on the end of that relationship’s sentence. My challenge lay in ensuring both stories could a) stand alone as complete, satisfying reads in their own right, and b) be read in any order without one giving away too many of the other’s secrets. That second point was particularly vexing, since “The Big Uneasy” provided backstory for “Making Peace.” In situations like that, there’s a delicate balance between revealing too much and leaving readers confused by revealing too little.

I understand it’s common among authors to know their characters and stories so well that they think they’ve made things clear when they haven’t. Readers will have to let me know whether I accomplished my goal with “Making Peace.”

Turns out, all four of the authors who contributed to Cowboy Cravings faced at least one issue that proved challenging, but in the end each of us became stronger for having faced her demon head-on.

Here are the problems each author faced, along with her solution:

‘Hearts and Diamonds,’ by Cheryl Pierson

Revenge sets Nick Diamond after a bride, and nothing will stand in his way. But when that bride happens to be outspoken firebrand Liberty Blankenship, all bets are off. Anything can happen when Hearts and Diamonds collide!

I think for “Hearts and Diamonds,” the hardest thing was the love scene. In a short story, it’s really tough to create a love scene that “moves along” rapidly with people who don’t really know one another. So I gave Nick and Libby a “sort of” shared background—they remember one another, but he’s several years older than she is, and they’ve lost track of one another.

Something else that helped the love scene was the fact that she was marrying someone she wasn’t in love with—and Nick reminds her of that. She lets him know, even though she might not have been in love with [villain] Carlton Ridgeway, at least she could have hoped for respectability. That plants a seed in his mind...this might just work. Because, Nick had planned to give her that, too, all along—unless she wanted an annulment.

Because a short story is so limited on word count, the love scene I wrote was one that got the point across heatedly, without going into the details of how each part of the sex they had was accomplished. And, because they share this wedding night, when the next crisis happens, they’re already emotionally closer than they’ve been when we left them the night before in their ...ahem...passion. So it was finding the right way to move the relationship along without having it seem unrealistic that was the most difficult thing for me with this story.

‘Starr Bright,’ by Celia Yeary

A stubborn rancher, a Spanish beauty...and the Texas summer heats up.

Any time we take a character—or characters—from previous stories, we try to keep them as true to their original personality and looks as possible. This shouldn’t be too difficult, unless, in my case, I used two characters who were not in the same story. In “Starr Bright, I used Starr Hidalgo in all her glory, but I paired her with Conrad Taylor who was a character in another novel, another decade. In my mind, these two should be paired, no matter what. Since dates aren’t generally added to novels, I knew no one would ever figure that out...or care.

‘Lily and Mesquite Joe,’ by Kristy McCaffrey

Lily Kingston has long loved Mesquite Joe Riordan. Facing the truth of his past will test her resolve, but only her stubbornness can win his heart.

I wrote “Lily and Mesquite Joe” well over two years ago as a submission for Harlequin Historicals Undone, the online short-story branch of this popular series of books. It was rejected due to lack of characterization. Besides being bummed about the reject, I was completely stumped. I honestly couldn't figure out how to fix the story because I wasn’t really sure where the problem lay. So, I set it aside and let it collect cyber-dust.

When the submission call for Cowboy Cravings came, that story started waving its hand at me—pick me, pick me. Prairie Rose Publications welcomed it into the family, and kind-hearted editor Cheryl Pierson gave it a once-over, then a twice-over, and, I believe, a thrice-over. My hero, Joe Riordan, needed work, and with Cheryl’s guidance I began to see the issues that plagued the tale.

In the end, Cheryl helped me redeem Joe, and when that finally happened I had that “aha” moment of why the story was denied so long ago. So, while rejection naturally makes all of us writers run crying to our beds with a box of doughnuts, it helps to remember that finding the right home for a story is important for the health and well-being of that creation. We want to find a place where our writing can flourish. Lily and Mesquite Joe found their way into the world at last.

So… Here are my questions:

Authors, have you ever encountered a challenge that dogged you all the way through a story? How did you resolve the issue?

Readers, have you ever encountered a story in which you recognized an author’s struggle? Maybe something just didn’t seem quite “right.” How did that affect your relationship with the story?

Love in the Time of Miscegenation

She’s the sweetest rose of color this darky ever knew.
Her eyes are bright as diamonds, they sparkle like the dew.
You may talk about your Dearest May, and sing of Rosa Lee,
But the Yellow Rose of Texas beats the belles of Tennessee.

Those are the original words to the chorus of “The Yellow Rose Texas,” a folksong dating to early Colonial Texas. The first known transcribed version—handwritten on a piece of plain paper—appeared around the time of the Texian victory at San Jacinto in April 1836.

In its original form, the song tells the story of a black man (“darky”) who has been separated from his sweetheart and longs to reunite with her. The lyrics indicate the sweetheart was a free mulatto woman—a person of mixed black and white heritage. In those days, “person of color” was considered a polite way to refer to black people who were not slaves. “Yellow” was a common term for people of mixed race.

During the Civil War, “The Yellow Rose of Texas” became a popular marching tune for troops all over the Confederacy; consequently, the lyrics changed. White Confederates were not eager to refer to themselves as darkies, so “darky” became “soldier.” In addition, “rose of color” became “little flower.”

Aside from the obvious racist reasons for the modifications, legal doctrine played into the picture as well. Until the U.S. Supreme Court declared the practice unconstitutional in 1967, all eleven former Confederate states plus Delaware, Kentucky, Oklahoma, and West Virginia outlawed marriage and sexual relations between whites and blacks. In four of the former Confederate states—Georgia, South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia—marriage or sexual relations between whites and any non-white was labeled a felony. Such laws were called anti-miscegenation laws, or simply miscegenation laws. In order to draw what attorneys term a “bright line” between legal and illegal behavior, many states codified the “single-drop rule,” which held that a person with a single drop of Negro blood was black, regardless the color of his or her skin.

"New Orleans' Voodoo Queen" Marie Laveau
(1774-1881) was a free Creole of mixed race.
Texas’s miscegenation law, enacted in 1837, prescribed among the most severe penalties nationwide: A white person convicted of marrying, "living in sin" with, or having sex with a person of another ethnicity was subject to a prison sentence of two to five years. Well into the twentieth century, it was not uncommon for the non-white half of the illicit relationship to be severely beaten or killed by irate local citizens.

The first American miscegenation laws arose in the colonies in the 1600s. The laws breathed their last gasp in 2001, when Alabama finally removed the anti-miscegenation clause from its state constitution after a referendum passed with only sixty percent of the popular vote.

Time Enough for Locks

For as long as there have been haves and wanna-haves, the haves have sought ways to secure their valuables from thieving wanna-haves. History no longer remembers the inventor of the first lock, but it is said the key was invented by Theodore of Samos in the sixth century B.C., which leads to the suspicion locks have been around much longer. In fact, crude locking mechanisms dating to the early Pharaonic period have been found in Egyptian ruins.

The first devices resembling what we know today as door locks were discovered in the palace of Persian king Sargon II, who reigned from 722 to 705 B.C. They were large, clumsy devices made of wood; nevertheless, they served as prototypes for contemporary security devices.

Bodie [California] Bank's vault, mid-1870s. Dick Rowan,
photographer (National Archives and Records Administration)

The first all-metal locks, probably made by English craftsmen, appeared between 870 and 900 A.D. in Rome. A row of bars of varying lengths, called tumblers, dropped into holes drilled through the horizontal bolt securing a door or gate. Only the person who possessed a metal bar fitted with pins corresponding to the tumblers could shove the tumblers upward through the holes, thus freeing the bolt.

No great advancements in lock technology occurred until about the fourteenth century A.D., when locks small enough to carry appeared. Traveling tradesmen used the “convenient locks” to secure their money and other valuables.

Although padlocks were known to ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, the first combination lock didn’t appear until the eighteenth century. Until 1873, most banks used combination locks of some kind to secure their vault. The secret to effective combination locks was creating a complex series of letters and numbers that would frustrate anyone who tried to disarm the mechanism. The code for the combination lock securing the mid-nineteenth-century safe in the U.S. Treasury in Washington D.C., for example, could not be opened without a lengthy series of letters and numbers that provided 1,073,741,824 possible combinations. Because determining the code by organized guesswork would require 2,042 years, 324 days, and one hour to crack, the lock was considered burglar-proof.

Combination locks had one big Achilles heel, though: It didn’t take long for criminals to figure out they could kidnap a bank employee and require him or her to dial in the correct code.

In 1873, James Sargent invented what he called a theft-proof lock. Theft-proof locks combined a combination lock with a timer that prevented the safe from opening until a certain number of hours had passed, even if one knew the combination.

Ruins of the 1906 Nye & Ormsby County Bank in Manhattan,
Nevada. The bank crumbled, but the vault survived.

By the late 1870s, theft-proof locks were de rigueur in banks all over the U.S. Though they weren’t quite unbreakable — thieves simply swapped dynamite or liquid nitroglycerin for captive bank employees and blew open safes — theft-proof locks thwarted more thieves than any previous mechanism. Called time locks these days, much more sophisticated descendants of Sargent's invention remain popular devices for banks and other high-security areas.

Outlaw Lawmen

Life on the open range could be a discomforting experience, what with outlaws popping out of the woodwork with the slightest provocation, nesters “accidentally” mistaking some cattleman’s range for the quarter section they’d purchased, steers stampeding wherever they pleased, and wild animals running amok in settlers’ vegetable gardens—not to mention all those Indians to keep track of.

Things weren’t much easier for townies. For one thing, outlaws didn’t confine themselves to the countryside. Drunks stumbled out of saloons with reckless abandon, ladies of questionable virtue roamed the streets at will, and barbers pulled teeth or performed surgery like they knew what they were doing. Even church socials sometimes got out of hand.

At least folks in town could count on the law to keep things somewhat under control, right?

Not always.

Finding a reliable lawman was anything but easy. El Paso, Texas, discovered that when it hired Dallas Stoudenmire as city marshal. Stoudenmire, a deadly gunman with a mean temper and a fondness for strong drink, insisted on starting fights and shooting people—some of them criminals. As a young man, famed lawman Wyatt Earp stole horses. Between gigs as a county sheriff, town marshal, and city policeman, Earp gambled, owned brothels, got arrested for a number of crimes, broke out of jail, led a vigilante group, and otherwise made a nuisance of himself. Pat Garrett may have been a straight arrow legally speaking, but he was unpleasant to be around. Even his fellow officers objected to his disposition: a refreshing mixture of arrogance and surliness.

Some men found a badge to be an excellent disguise for nefarious activities. Take these guys, for example:

Henry Plummer

Henry Plummer
In 1856, at the age of 24, Plummer became the marshal of Nevada City, Calif., the third-largest settlement in the state. In 1859, the marshal killed the husband of a woman with whom he was having an affair. Sentenced to ten years in San Quentin, he received parole in six months and immediately joined a gang of stagecoach robbers.

In January 1862, Plummer formed his own gang and began hijacking wagons transporting gold out of mining camps. When that enterprise petered out in January 1863, Plummer relocated to the newest gold rush in Bannack, Montana. There, he formed the Innocents, a network of road agents that numbered more than 100 men within a few short months.

In May 1863, Plummer lost a sheriff election and subsequently threatened his rival until the man high-tailed it, fearing for his life. Plummer took over the sheriff’s job and right away appointed two of his Innocents cronies as deputies. Oddly, crime dramatically increased. In about nine months, more than 100 murders occurred and robberies, assaults, and assorted other crimes reached unprecedented levels. All the while, Plummer—under the guise of cracking down on lawlessness—hanged witnesses.

On January 10, 1864, having had enough law enforcement for a while, fifty to seventy-five vigilantes rounded up Plummer and his two deputies and hanged them in the basement of a local store.

Burt Alvord and Billy Stiles

Burt Alvord, Yuma Territorial Prison, 1904
In the 1890s, Alvord and Stiles served as deputy sheriffs in Willcox, Arizona. Unsatisfied with their salaries, the two began robbing Southern Pacific Railroad trains to supplement their income. Emboldened by pulling a number of successful jobs, they undertook their most daring escapade on September 9, 1899, in what came to be known as the Cochise Train Robbery. Instead of cleaving to tradition and stopping the train on a lonely stretch of track in the middle of nowhere, Alvord and Stiles had five members of their gang blow up the safe while the train was stopped in the town of Cochise. Alvord and Stiles, maintaining their law-enforcement decorum, were part of the posse that unsuccessfully attempted to apprehend the robbers in the Chiricahua Mountains.

About five months later, on February 15, 1900, the gang struck again, in broad daylight in the tiny town of Fairbank, Arizona. While the train was stopped at the station, the Alvord-Stiles gang approached the express car, guns drawn, only to find the messenger responsible for the safe unwilling to abide such rude behavior. During the gunfight that erupted, two of the five gang members were wounded and one ran away. The messenger, also wounded, hid the safe’s key before losing consciousness. Unable to find the key and without a single stick of dynamite between them, the rest of the gang scrammed.

Fairbank, Ariz., railroad depot, circa 1900
Once again, Alvord and Stiles rode with a posse to track down the outlaws, one of whom was injured so badly he had to be left behind about six miles outside town. Despite Alvord’s and Stiles’s attempts to misdirect the pursuers, they stumbled across the wounded man, who fingered Alvord as the ringleader before he died. Stiles confessed and turned state’s evidence, allowing him to remain comfortably outside the bars while Alvord cooled his heels inside. A short while later, Stiles broke Alvord out of the pokey and the two of them lit out for Mexico.

The Arizona Rangers invaded Mexico and, in 1904, engaged the two now-expatriates in a gun battle. They captured Alvord, but Stiles got away. After a brief stint in the Rangers under an assumed name, Stiles was killed a few years later while working as a lawman in Nevada, also under an assumed name. Alvord did two years in Yuma Territorial Prison and beat it for Panama upon his release.

H.D. Grunnels

Steam train, 1898

In 1898, Fort Worth, Texas, Assistant Police Chief Grunnels talked a gang of Oklahoma bank robbers out of robbing a local diamond merchant and into robbing a train in Saginaw, Texas, instead. Grunnels masterminded the operation, planning to apprehend the bandits after they made off with the money, then collect the reward and keep the loot.

The Apple Dumpling Gang might have performed the train heist with more aplomb. While crawling across the top of the coal tender to reach the engine, the gang’s leader slipped and accidentally discharged his pistol. His minions mistook the misfire as their signal to hop on the train and commence whatever mischief their roles required. Chaos ensued.

Meanwhile, Grunnels and a cadre of Fort Worth police officers not in on the plan raced to the rescue of a train that had yet to be robbed. The discombobulated robbers vamoosed. The Fort Worth Police Department became suspicious when it discovered Grunnels reached the scene of the crime before the crime had been reported. Grunnels was fired and indicted, but he disappeared before trial.