In the immortal words of Willie Nelson, "my heroes have always been cowboys." As of Thanksgiving Day 2011, though, I've bumped another group of everyday heroes to the top of the list, at least temporarily: firefighters. There's nothing quite like having a group of hunky firemen save you from your own stupidity to engender a modest amount of hero worship. Who knew hunky firemen even existed in the small Texas town where I live?
What did y'all "see" when you read "hunky firemen?" I'd tell you what I "saw" at the time, but honestly, it was just bizarre under the circumstances and probably shouldn't be allowed to escape into the wild if I wish to preserve any shreds of decorum still clinging to my reputation. This is what romance writing does to an ordinarily restrained descendant of untold generations of Baptist ministers.
Here's the condensed version of the sordid tale:
The Thanksgiving cooking marathon always seems to be hectic around here. Oddly, this year everything proceeded without a hitch...until suddenly it didn't. In an attempt to be helpful (which should have set off my calamity radar right there), my other half offered to put the dressed bird into the oven while I took a much-needed shower. Since I had laid out the bagged turkey and the roasting pan and had pre-heated the oven, I thought "How much trouble can he get into? We've done this every year for quite some time now. He knows how it's done." So I took myself off to clean up, leaving Other Half and pending disaster alone in the kitchen to become better acquainted.
An hour and a half or so later, while I was busily engaged in slicing my, putting together a Waldorf salad, I heard a faint sizzle coming from the oven. Odd. Bagged turkeys don't sizzle. Pressing a paper towel to my thumb so I didn't drip blood all the way across the kitchen floor, I opened the oven door to check on the turkey.
That's when the smoke alarm went off.
Because the turkey would have been a snug fit in the roasting pan—which we knew going in—Other Half decided to use a jelly roll pan (essentially a cookie sheet with sides) instead. The turkey's wings hung over both sides of the pan, and somehow the bag had sprung a leak. (Predictably, I might add.) I didn't realize the problem until the sizzling started because, uncharacteristically, Other Half had put away the roasting pan.
I snatched the cookie-sheet-ensconced turkey (as much as it is possible to "snatch" something that weighs more than 22 pounds) from the gas oven just as flames erupted—thankfully, only inside the oven. In the meantime, Other Half called the fire department, just in case.
To make a long story slightly less long, I dumped an entire bag of flour into the oven and smothered the flames (probably killing the oven, but I'll deal with that later). Whoever Other Half spoke with at 911 said to get out of the house—which, of course, I was having none of because although the fire was out, my house was filled with smoke. So I ran around opening every window I could get open while Dog and Underdog, locked in their condos much earlier to keep their tiny, troublemaking selves out from underfoot, howled and Other Half attempted to disarm the raucous smoke detectors (which are everywhere in our house). By the time every fire department person on duty (two engines and an ambulance) showed up, I was sitting in a chair on the porch holding both dogs in my lap. Underdog threatened to eat the strange creatures in bulky yellow suits, to which Dog responded by repeatedly biting Underdog in order to discourage a fruitless display of aggression toward odd-looking people who, for all Dog knew, had come to deliver dog treats.
The gaggle of firemen stripped off their yellow suits right there in my house (hence the thoroughly inappropriate mental images I mentioned earlier) and proceeded to ensure no fires had broken out spontaneously anywhere else. (Evidently attics are notorious hotspots for secondary fires. Again: Who knew?) They also planted big fans to blow any lingering smoke out of the house. All in all, they were very friendly guys, although a couple of them grumbled good-naturedly about having to leave the station at the exact moment some football team was about to make a touchdown. Couldn't I have timed the fire a little better? Then they hung around to chat and write up a report in case I need it for insurance. (I don't intend to file a claim. At worst, I may have to buy a new oven—which, unless I go hog wild and buy the oven I really want, will cost well below the insurance deductible.) When they left, they took a pecan pie with them, with my most heartfelt gratitude.
Other Half and the male component of the couple with whom we were to share Thanksgiving dinner ferried the half-cooked turkey, the dressing and the candied sweet potatoes over to Male Component's house a block away to finish cooking everything, while I made gravy and cooked green beans on top of the stove. (The top continues to function just fine.) Then the guests brought the food back to our house, and things proceeded as though nothing out of the ordinary had taken place. The house suffered no damage outside the oven, and even the smoke smell had disappeared by the time everyone arrived.
Dog and Underdog each gained about five pounds that day, because everyone kept slipping them bites of turkey in order to ease them over their (non-existent) trauma. Despite a blanket prohibition on feeding table food to tiny terrorists, each person evidently thought he or she was the only one unable to resist exceptionally pathetic, obviously abused and patently starving canines.
The meal was delicious, if I do say so myself. And post-almost-catastrophe I must admit: Hunky firemen make an exceptional appetizer.
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