A Texas Christmas Carol, Day 12

Are you ready for the big finish? Here we go!

On the twelfth day of Christmas a Texan gave to me...

(All together now, with feeling!)

Whew! Now that was fun, wasn't it? Wasn't it? Put me right in the ol' Christmas spirit.

I wish all of you and yours the gladdest tidings of the season, and peace and prosperity in the New Year.

A Texas Christmas Carol, Day 11

On the eleventh day of Christmas a Texan gave to me...


(My thanks to Katherine Boyer for allowing me to post her father's painting of the late Dan Blocker.)

A Texas Christmas Carol, Day 10

On the tenth day of Christmas a Texan gave to me...


(The late Dan Blocker, star of Bonanza, appears courtesy of Katherine Boyer, a retired librarian, fellow Texan, and dear, dear friend [and partner in mischief]. The portrait was painted by KB's father, who was friends with Blocker. I am indebted to her for allowing me the honor of posting the image.)