A Texas Christmas Carol, Day 12

Are you ready for the big finish? Here we go!

On the twelfth day of Christmas a Texan gave to me...

(All together now, with feeling!)

Whew! Now that was fun, wasn't it? Wasn't it? Put me right in the ol' Christmas spirit.

I wish all of you and yours the gladdest tidings of the season, and peace and prosperity in the New Year.


  1. Great job! I must say day Twelve is my favorite by a long shot! :)

    Merry Christmas!


  2. Why am I not surprised, Rustler? ;-) Y'all have a merry one up there in Wyomin', now, y'hear?

  3. I LOVED every single Texas day...'twas so much fun to see each one unfold...but by far, the twelve sexy cowboys are my favorite!! WooHoo!!! Thanks for such a great countdown to the holiday, Tex. Great job...♥

  4. Glad you enjoyed it, Owl. Many thanks go to Katherine Boyer, the Wild Texas Librarian herself, for her help. She's the one who really brought the twelve days to life. :-)
